Instructors / Speakers

We are working on our 2024 lineup…

If you would like to speak this year, please fill out the speaker application form (link below).

Bryan and Valori Cadwell

Yeshua’s Youth Leaders (ages 10-15)


Out of this World!


Hey all you 10-15 year-olds! Y’shua’s Youth is a program designed just for you.
Rain falls down, and helium balloons float up. You can swim through water, but you can’t walk through a wall. Pretty basic earth physics, right? Never-changing and super-predictable. Did you know that you’re also existing, right now, in an invisible dimension held together with its own set of absolutes? Join us as we explore the unchanging laws of the dimension of the kingdom of our Heavenly Father. This class is guaranteed to impact your view of this world and your relationship with our amazing Messiah. Join us for games, campfires, art projects, dancing, thought-provoking classroom discussions, and more.


Bryan and Valori live, learn, work, and enjoy life to its fullest in their country home in Wisconsin. Bryan is a self-employed automation engineer, and Valori is a retired homeschool teacher. Bryan and Valori have nine children and 16 grandchildren, and in their spare time, they love teaching young people on a number of topics, including healthy relationship skills and tools for thinking deeply and critically about our faith.

Daniel Campau


It’s All About Relationship


How is your relationship with the Messiah? Interestingly, our opinion of our relationship is not what matters, but Messiah’s relationship with us. I plan to discuss the importance of Messiah’s relationship with us, showing from scripture how this perspective is important to our savior, but also what His requirements are for a proper relationship as we walk our walk in faithfulness.


Our Words are Important


Too often we as followers of Messiah are not careful with the words we speak. Too often we offend or hurt others unintentionally and sometimes intentionally. I plan on showing how the authors of scripture viewed and taught how we should use our words carefully to build up and not tear down. Our lives are filled with problems, we do not need to add to our troubles by careless words.


We, myself and family, live in Fennville Michigan. we have been blessed with 5 children, 2 adopted, and are still learning and growing in our walk with Messiah. I have worked for the same Company for 40 years now and have walked with Messiah even longer. I work for Besser as an electrical engineer and I walk with Messiah as a student.

Shannon Campau


Dance Class.


Come join us for a basic steps dance class along with familiarizing you with how to follow the dance leaders who will be directing during worship. The class will be tailored to the group that comes to learn. Everyone is welcome, children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult or older sibling.


Preparing Our Hearts and Pantries for Uncertain Times


Join me for an exploration of my journey through processing fear, worry and practical preparation for the unknown. For the practical: I will share lists and ideas of how to prepare for times of lack. For the spiritual and mental preparation, we’ll discuss learning to trust my Heavenly Father and processing what kind of person I want to be when things get hard. I want this to encourage everyone as we act as HIS servants and lights in this dark world.


Timothy and Shannon Campau have been married since 1999 and have been exploring the Hebrew roots of their Christian faith since 2001. They reside in Michigan where they garden together, play a lot of volleyball, and are active in their fellowship and community. Timothy is a computer programmer by trade while Shannon is a gardener, artist, teacher and works for THRIVEtoday Ministry as an event coordinator.

Shannon is the Worship dance leader at The Rehearsal. She has been dancing since her first Sukkot and became a dance leader shortly after. She is passionate about sharing this gift with others and dancing for His glory.

Jason and Tricia Cartwright

Young Adults Leaders (ages 16-22+)


Midwest Messiah Youth Ministry


If you are 16-22+, we invite you to join us as we dive into topics that relate to the young adults of this generation. We hope to have a time of worship, bible study, and discussions that will transform our lives. Bring your bible and an open heart to grow with us in His Righteous.


Midwest Messiah is a Messianic youth focused ministry, with a heart to encourage youth to walk in their own faith in Yahweh. We are committed to working with parents to help their youth in their spiritual covenants and have started having camps and conferences throughout the 12 Midwest states. Spiritually speaking, we feel called to rebuild Yahweh’s Altars throughout the Midwest, by doing this His people have been gathering and returning.

Tricia and I have been married for 23 years. We have been in Youth Ministry for over 25 years. We have 5 children of own, ages ranging from 21-8 years old. We are also a second home for countless other youth. We have been walking in covenant with Yahweh for over 30 yrs.

Mildred “Milly” Crawmer


Bat Mitzvah


You may be asking, “what is a Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah?” (It literally means Son or Daughter of the commandments.)
Or What does this mean for believers in Yeshua?

Yeshua tells us if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. (John 14:15) What does our Heavenly Father think of Bar & Bat Mitzvahs or a coming of age? His own son (Yeshua) had a coming of age. At the age of 12 Yeshua went to the temple for 3 days teaching on the scriptures. (Luke 2:41-52) Later we see the Heavens open at Yeshua’s Mikveh with the Father’s voice from heaven “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased!” (Matthew 3:17) Revelation 12:17 speaks of “Those who keep God’s commandments and hold Yeshua’s testimony.” These are the ones who trust in Yeshua and keep His commandments. When the accuser comes and accuses them, Yeshua testifies on their behalf!

As believers our love for Yeshua should produce fruit and make us strive to follow in Yeshua’s footsteps. This special coming of age tradition allows young adults to share their spiritual journey while exalting the Father, the scriptures and their personal walk with Yeshua! Plan for worship, Hebrew dance, the tradition of parents giving of the Hebraic prayer shawl, and the young adult’s birthday Torah portion teaching.

We encourage anyone to attend. Families, singles, seasoned believers, new to the faith or event those searching will find new challenges to strengthen their walk with Yeshua.

Milly has been preparing over the last year. Her faith has grown with a love and knowledge for Torah. She is excited to share the many insights she has discovered through her daily reading. It is our prayer this next generation of young adults will be inspired to continue this wonderful tradition! “Therefore I urge you, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:1-2)


Milly is 14 years old and comes from McGregor, Iowa currently. She moved three years ago from Oregon where her family lived for 9 generations. Milly accepted Yeshua as her savior when she was 4 years old both at home and the next day while at Shabbat. Her family came to Torah when she was 5 years of age. She is the youngest child of Russ and Ruth Crawmer, the 5th and last child in the family of mostly adult brothers and sisters. Milly naturally loves to create humor in any situation and enjoys looking for how the Hebrew can make the English Biblical text show the deeper meaning through the original text. Over the past 4 years, Milly has read through the Bible four times and has spent time working closely with trained Hebrew teacher Kevin Wells and taken instruction under her Father Russ Crawmer. Milly has enjoyed the challenge this year of preparation has presented and is keen to share what she has learned from the passage.

During the school week, Milly has attended Home school for the past 4 years and recently moved over to private Christian School. As the youngest, she is passionate about all things out doors, animals, hard work, BMX biking, intense hikes/mountain climbing and getting into the dirt/mud. For fun, Milly practices push-ups, burpies and pull-ups and loves to engage friends in competitions of endurance. Friends find her conversation light and her thoughts kavod.

Josephine Davis


Clues In Colossians (2 Young Adults Sessions)


Hey Y’all, I’m so excited to lead a young adult bible study! A bible study for young adults lead by young adults, to dive into the word to learn more about how to be young adults in the faith. The basis of this study is the book of Colossians and from the book of Psalms, chapters 45, 52, and 56. We want to focus on how young men and women are supposed to act and the way to walk in the faith. My goal is to get Young Adults to talk to one another about how they show their faith in their lives and what are other ways we can all share the gospel.


Josephine is 16 years old and lives in Elko New Market Minnesota with her parents, Van and Susan Davis and younger sister Victoria Davis. Josephine came to her faith in the summer of 2022 at a summer camp called Camp Yeshua. Her father was a pastor before leading a home bible study for 13+ years, where Josephine has been able to learn Torah and grow her love for the Father. Josephine also loves music, her love for music came from a family friend who led worship for their Friday night gatherings. Now that she is older, Josephine has started leading worship herself at their Sabbath gatherings. If you can’t find her in the basement singing and playing piano, she’s probably with her family telling jokes or with her friends hanging out by the lake.

Gary Dose


The Sounding of the Shofar


The Shofar is a biblical instrument, usually made from a ram’s horn, but sometimes from a goat, antelope or kudu. The Shofar is mentioned over 70 times in Scripture. It is used in announcing, warning, celebrations, and the coronation of kings. The ram’s horn represents the ram caught by its horns when Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac. Likewise, it represents Yeshua, our substitute and deliverer, the Horn of our Salvation. The sounding of the shofar calls Yahweh’s people to repentance, faith and devotion.

If you would like to use your shofar as a tool of worship during this feast, it will be helpful to come to this training session! Join us as we learn about the basics of the shofar, various calls and their functions, and shofar protocol. Bring your shofars along!


Gary and Shirley Dose have been married for 35 years and have been Torah pursuant for the last 17. They along with their family operate a 4th generation family farm in western Iowa. Gary grew up with pigs and made pigs and crops his life occupation for 21 years. He is no longer a pig farmer, but has reformed into a shephard and crossed over to a whole different way of life.

Gary is a “jack of many trades but master of none” and is currently on a quest to return to the basics of life and how to operate a farm in a Torah friendly manner apart from the servitude of debt, GMO’s and employment. Shirley is an avid student of Torah and a homemaker, gardener and Gary’s partner. She is the main hub for the small prison ministry the Doses operate. The Doses are part of a home fellowship group and are thankful to have local like-minded believers.

Trent Gander


Midrash on the Gospel of Mark


Garner discussion of the Gospel of Mark in a semi-open forum.


Trent is a freelance writer who grew up trying to keep Torah, tempered by the New Testament and Messiah’s redemptive work. Currently located in Illinois, he helps facilitate weekly Bible studies online with a small congregation which include his parents and brother.

He has been an active practitioner of his faith his entire life and has seen some of the ebb and flow of doctrines in the Hebrew Roots Movement over the last 24 years.

Adam Gunderson


Intro to Gun Safety


In this session, you will learn the Basics of Gun safety. We will cover basic safety do’s and don’ts, proper stance, sight alignment, trigger manipulation, and more. This session will also touch on basic laws on self-defense, awareness, and other factors to keep you safe. There will not be any live firearms in the class, but if you have attended the class and you want, you can join us off-campus to shoot a live firearm at a later time.


Adam Gunderson lives in Minnesota with his wife Melissa and six of their seven children. Adam is a current Chief of Police, and a retired Staff Sergeant after 21 years in the MN Army National Guard with two overseas deployments.
Adam is currently a Firearms instructor for pistol, rifle, shotgun, and less lethal projectiles. Use of force/defensive tactics instructor. Law enforcement active shooter emergency response instructor. Has attended the NCBRT/academy of counter-terrorist Education Advanced law enforcement rapid response training. The FBI Active Shooter course. The FBI Crisis Negotiator course. For the last 10 years in the Military, he was a Platoon Sergeant for the Recruit sustainment program, Senior instructor for OCS Phase One (3 years), Army Basic Instructor, and the RSP Cadre Instructor.

Kevin Wells


Disciples Prayer: Hebrew Insights


If your spirit always has trouble accepting a few sections of the English translations for the Disciples Prayer… this Darash offers a translation from Hebrew consistent with TaNaKh & will provide Shalom for your soul. Use of Hebrew to show what Yeshua was saying in the disciples prayer. He did not violate Torah & He did not tell his Talmudim to ask Adonai:

1.a) “Don’t lead us into temptation” Or 1.b) “Don’t put us to hard testing” And 2.) “Deliver us from evil”

More Hebrew content, however very accessible insights for all. No prior knowledge of Hebrew is required for you to benefit from this class.


Panorama of the Ages from Aleph-Beit


Considering noun/verb images in each Hebrew character to build & display a brief summary of His plan for the ages. Even for talmudim taking a first look at Hebrew, the “heavy lifting” will turn out to be manageable & enjoyable. No prior knowledge of Hebrew is required for you to benefit from this class.

Premises: By faith & evidence we have each come to know: Torah is living & active, sharper than any double-edged kerev… and we realize Torah is designed & built by Yeshua from the letters of Hebrew. Thus, Aleph-Beit is perhaps legit to consider as both a supply of materials & a kit of tools… custom-made by Yeshua… deployed to serve His delight, for speaking & fashioning all devarim into existence… creating, recording & displaying miracles. Therefore we might not be surprised to find each character of Aleph-Beit as also designed with purpose, meaning & attributes. Many clearly being revealed in Torah, illustrated by consistent use, tied to familiar images & concepts, providing insights that resonate in our faith toward Oseh Shalom.


Congregation: Beit Brit Messianic. Bend, OR. Believer in Yeshua 1980. Married over 50yrs to my HS beauty Donna. 2 kids, 8 grand, 1 great. Still enjoying working with a commercial sign company. We are blessed having the covering & testimony of Yeshua & opportunity to share the marvels of Oseh Shalom. Always a joy studying Torah portions with family in the morning, using a lens of Hebrew & Jewish insights. We look for treasures He arranges & conceals for us in advance.

Ryan White


The Uncontrollable God


In “The Uncontrollable God,” we delve into the profound mystery of God’s self-revelation to Moses as “I am who I am,” highlighting His resistance to human attempts at control and definition throughout the Hebrew Bible. By examining Jesus’ refusal of limiting titles and His powerful “I Am” statements, we uncover a divine identity that transcends human expectations and invites us into a deeper understanding of His nature. This teaching challenges us to embrace the awe-inspiring mystery of a God who defies constraints and calls us to a faith beyond boundaries.


Ryan White utilizes evidence-based research to teach the Scriptures in its original historical context. He has a Masters in Biblical Studies degree focusing on the Biblical languages, Biblical history, and ancient culture. Ryan focuses on the sacrificial system, honor and shame, the equity of Torah, the Gospels, and other key areas in order to bring a message of unification to the body of Messiah.
He will challenge you to look at the Bible in many new and exciting ways.

The Rehearsal desires to provide messages that encourage and exhort the body to a greater relationship with our Heavenly Father.  While we believe that all of the selected speakers also share this goal, we do realize that not everyone has the same understanding of the scriptures.  The messages may not reflect the exact beliefs held by the board but may provide an opportunity for study and introspection. We ask that grace and mercy rule our conversations and questions while discussing various topics and ideas that may or may not agree with your understanding.

Click here to fill our our online application form if you would like to speak at our event.

The Rehearsal